The question of which is your favorite band, singer, or musician, is always hard to answer, because there will never be only one, especially for me, because I like some many different kinds of music and I am always opened to listen to new music, so I will name some of my favorite

band. I like the music of the Arctic Monkeys, Gustavo Cerati, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Blink-182, Green Day, George Harrison and Los Prisioneros, but maybe my favorite band is The Beatles, that is why I will talk about them. I know a lot about The Beatles, when I like something, I start to research all about that thing, and when I knew The Beatles, I listened to all the albums, I saw a lot of documentals and read some books about them. They appear on the 60's and from the beginning they played rock and roll, but as the time passed by, they experimented with the music and the thing they could do, so it's hard to define what type of music they played, so we say that they play rock. I like this band especially for their story and the importance of the band on the popular music, but the principal thing I like, is their music, I can listen to it over and over again their music without getting tired. I don't have a favorite song, there are so many songs that I like, but I have two favorite albums, Rubber Soul and Revolver, for me, these two albums are only one, and they are the transition of group of famous kids to a group of real musician who made history.