When I was a child, I never thought in my future, when an adult asked me, what I wanted be when I grow up, I answered that I will study architecture, but as the time passed by I started to now the world of computers, I started to like that, so I changed my mind to something related to that. But when I started to play the guitar, I could see that the music world was amazing, so I started to think about studying music, but as the time passed by, I wanted to know all about computers, even in my last year of school, I thought about studying astronomy, but when I saw the the career of sound, I chose inmediately, this career because it has the things I liked, the technology and science, the world of the exact knowledge, and the most important, the music, I can not imagine myself on a square job, doing the same thing over and over again. Until now, my experiencie has been very nice, my partners are great people, and the environment is really good (the good environment compensate the deficit of the faculty).
My future isn't clear, the possibilities with this career are many, but I don't want to choose only one, I want to explore all the things related to this career, from musical production until the physics of the sound.
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ResponderEliminarHe there,
ResponderEliminarit's nice to hear that I'm not the only here who never thought about her future, or think that all the jobs in wich you have to do the same things over and over again are terrible.
Really, i dont know much about your career, but it sorprise me when you write about the diferent things that made you study it. For example, the exact knowledge, the music, the technology, i never saw it in that way. It is cool you can have and do all the things you love in a degree.
This history is amazing! I like it ;)